Bahrain and Iran to begin talks on normalising relations

Bahrain and Iran to begin talks on normalising relations
Iranian and Bahraini foreign minister agree to boost relations after years in the wilderness. / CC: IRAN MFA
By bne Tehran bureau June 24, 2024

The foreign ministers of Bahrain and Iran have agreed to start negotiations aimed at normalising relations between the two countries, according to Bahrain News Agency on June 23.

This latest meeting between the foreign ministers of Bahrain and Iran marks a significant step towards diplomatic reconciliation in the Persian Gulf region. The decision to begin formal talks reflects a broader trend of de-escalation and dialogue among regional powers,  namely Saudi Arabia, which backs the government in Bahrain and is closely aligned with Manama on security and trade. 

The agreement to launch the normalisation process was reached during a meeting between Bahrain's Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani and Iran's Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani, which took place in Tehran on June 23.

The agency reports that during this meeting, "both sides decided to establish the necessary mechanisms to begin negotiations between the two countries and explore ways to resume political relations between them."

This development comes after a period of strained relations. In January 2016, following an attack on the Saudi Arabian embassy in Tehran, Manama, like Riyadh, severed diplomatic ties with Tehran. However, recent regional developments have paved the way for reconciliation.

On March 10, 2023, Iran and Saudi Arabia announced an agreement to normalise relations and reopen embassies.

Shortly after, on March 12, 2023, officials in Manama indicated their openness to restoring ties with Tehran.

Two days later, on March 14, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani assured that Iran was ready to develop cooperation with all its neighbours, including Bahrain.

In June, Manama sent a request via Russia to re-establish diplomatic relations with Tehran, IRIB reported.

