Daily electricity consumption in Uzbekistan continues to break records

By Muzaffar Ismailov in Tashkent August 1, 2023

Electricity consumption in Uzbekistan as calculated for July 26 amounted to 250.7mn kWh, according to the energy ministry.

A year ago, 236.9mn kWh of energy was consumed on the same day.

On July 22 this year, the indicator reached a day record of 237mn kWh. The next day the day record was broken again, this time with 2mn kWh added to the posted consumption volume for the given date. And the records keep on falling.

The average demand for electricity per hour lately reached a new peak of 12.3 GW, up 14.1% y/y.

The power plants of the country, in turn, are striving to up their generation of electricity. During July 26, they supplied 243.9mn kWh to the grid, up 10% y/y.

The energy ministry noted that in the current high temperatures, the conductivity of power grids can decrease by up to 25% due to the physical properties of materials used for cables. Without restrictions imposed on consumption, this could lead to major protracted difficulties.

Consumers have been urged to strictly save energy where they can and not use electrical appliances beyond their real need. This, according to the ministry, would reduce the load on the networks and potentially mean problems can be evaded.

On July 25, electricity was temporarily cut off in seven districts of Tashkent due to demand overloads. The utility responsible for the power supply promised to resume the supply of energy after cooling the distributors.

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