“Made in Russia” label growing in popularity

“Made in Russia” label growing in popularity
More than 8,000 products made by just under 370 firms already bear the "made in Russia" label that is designed to create a new brand and boost exports. / bne IntelliNews
By bne IntelliNews October 3, 2024

The "Made in Russia" label is growing in popularity and has already been awarded to 8,082 domestically produced goods produced by 368 companies that bear the red, white and blue tricolour emblem, reports Vedomosti.

The certified products benefit from state support under the eponymous programme and the Kremlin’s drive to improve both import substitution as well as non-raw material exports.

The initiative is led by the Russian Export Centre (REC), which is part of the sovereign development bank VEB.RF. REC facilitates the entry of Russian products into more than 70 international markets amongst the so-called friendly countries. As a result, the "Made in Russia" label is becoming increasingly recognisable in overseas markets.

The programme’s primary goal is to enhance the recognition of Russian goods globally and drive sales under a national "umbrella" brand. It promotes products through international exhibitions, business missions, national stores on major online platforms, and specialised showrooms.

To qualify for certification, manufacturers must ensure their products excel in at least one of five key areas: organic origin, environmental friendliness, energy efficiency, reliability or quality. A parallel programme to certify “green” goods is being developed that focuses on the sustainability of the production of goods.

The application process for “Made in Russia” is straightforward and free via the REC website. Certification is conducted in collaboration with the other state agencies, Roskachestvo (product quality), Rospatent (IP), Rosstandart (national technical standards, weights & measures), Rosaccreditation (certification and stamps) and other accredited bodies, providing guarantees of quality and intellectual property protection for all participants.


