Russia to kick Indians out of the army after Modi complains to Putin

Russia to kick Indians out of the army after Modi complains to Putin
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi says goodbye to Russian President Vladimir Putin after discussions at the Kremlin / Kremlin
By bne IntelliNews July 11, 2024

Russia is to dismiss all Indian citizens who signed contracts with its Ministry of Defence following a discussion between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

That’s according to NDTV, a popular Indian news channel, which also revealed that Moscow will assist all Indian citizens in returning to their homeland after terminating their contracts with the Russian Armed Forces.

At least two Indian nationals have lost their lives fighting in Russia's war against Ukraine, with dozens more currently engaged on the front lines.

Modi’s appeal to Putin came during a state visit to Moscow on July 8, during which the Indian Prime Minister signed numerous deals and memoranda of understanding. He also attended an event hosted by the Indian community in the Russian capital.

The decision to dismiss all Indian soldiers fighting for Russia against Ukraine follows a scandal from earlier this year. In February 2024, India revealed it was trying to bring home around 20 citizens stranded while fighting for the Russian army. Reports suggested these individuals were initially brought to Russia as "helpers" for the armed forces but were later given weapons and sent into combat. Allegations claimed they were initially offered jobs as building cleaners but were ultimately forced into military roles.

The situation escalated on March 6 seven Indian citizens released a video stating they had been tricked into fighting against Ukraine. The Indian government then said it had contacted Russian authorities to secure their early discharge.

"Strong action has been initiated against agents and unscrupulous elements who recruited them on false pretexts and promises," a government statement said.

The video them prompted India's Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) investigated the issue. The CBI revealed that some Indians sent to Ukraine were severely injured, and Reuters reported that two Indians died, with their bodies left on the battlefield. By April, the Ministry of External Affairs confirmed that ten men had returned.

Two months later, in May 2024, the CBI arrested four individuals involved in a large human trafficking network. This network was accused of tricking young Indian men into going to Russia, where they were forced to sign contracts with the Russian Ministry of Defence and were sent to fight in Ukraine. The arrested individuals included two recruiters from southern India, as well as a translator and a visa agent in Russia. The CBI reported that the network had recruited at least 35 people by using social media and local contacts to lure them with promises of high-paying jobs in Russia.

"Thereafter, the trafficked Indian nationals were trained in combat roles and deployed at front bases … against their wishes, thus, putting their lives in grave danger.” the statement said. “It has been ascertained that some of the victims also got grievously injured in the war zone.”

India isn’t the only country which has seen a rise in recruitment for the Russian army. To reduce the need for unpopular conscription within the country, Moscow has turned to recruiting foreign nationals from countries including Nepal, Somalia, Cuba and others.

