Slovenia's PM charged with interfering with police

Slovenia's PM charged with interfering with police
Prime Minister Golob has called Tatjana Bobnar's allegations "hallucinations”. / Slovenian government website
By Valentina Dimitrievska in Skopje October 16, 2024

Slovenian police have filed criminal charges against Prime Minister Robert Golob, following allegations of interference with police operations, RTV SLO reported on October 15.

The charges stem from a complaint made by former Interior Minister Tatjana Bobnar, whose claims have prompted a thorough investigation over the past two years. Bobnar submitted her resignation in December 2022 after announcing that she would step down due to disagreements with Golob. She was succeeded by Bostjan Poklukar.

The police initiated the pre-trial proceedings nearly two years ago after Bobnar, who resigned in December 2022, raised concerns about Golob’s alleged influence in police activities.

Bobnar has publicly denounced what she perceives as the premier's improper interference in police matters, emphasising that politics should not influence the role of the general director of the police.

During her tenure as minister, she alerted both the prosecutor's office and the anti-corruption commission about the pressures she encountered, providing further details during her appearance before a parliamentary investigative committee.

In her testimony, Bobnar alleged that Golob had pointed out deficiencies in police operations, specifically referring to Bostjan Lindav, the then-acting director general of police, and implying that he had not adequately addressed issues within the police force.

She also accused Golob of maintaining direct communication with the head of the National Investigation Office regarding these matters.

Prime Minister Golob responded by characterising Bobnar's allegations as "hallucinations”.

While Golob has yet to appear before the inquiry commission, reports indicate that he has been in contact with criminal investigators.

Following the complaint, the Slovenian prosecutor's office now has three options: to file a full indictment against Golob, request a judicial investigation to gather further evidence, or dismiss the criminal complaint and close the case.

Golob's lawyer, Stojan Zdolsek, remarked, "In a case like this, where there is an evident political attack involving a former police officer and minister of the interior, the prosecutor's office must exercise great caution in handling the complaint".

"It could quickly become apparent that the individual claims underpinning the complaint are untrue, similar to the allegation concerning the prime minister's interference in the arrest of spies," Zdolsek stated, according to Delo.

He referred to the controversy surrounding the detention of two alleged Russian spies in Slovenia in November 2022, which has led to accusations against Golob of interfering with law enforcement. Golob had been accused of delaying the arrest because the initial date coincided with an important referendum, which he allegedly did not want to overshadow the government's victory.

Golob has yet to respond to the latest police charges against him, and Bobnar has also declined to comment. Her lawyer, Luka Svab, noted that the police appear to have gathered a substantial amount of evidence and statements from all parties involved.

"Regarding the continuation of the process, our goal is for the relevant authorities to carry out their work objectively and professionally and to thoroughly investigate the matter," Svab stated.


