40% of Romanian employees to leave their jobs unless they get paid more

40% of Romanian employees to leave their jobs unless they get paid more
/ bne IntelliNews
By bne IntelliNews January 12, 2023

More than half of the Romanian employees (53%) expect to see their salary increase this year, according to a poll carried out by the employee platform Undelucram.ro. Should the raise not happen, 40% of them would give up their jobs and seek better-paying alternatives.

The average wage in Romania dropped by a real 2% y/y as of October, as inflation hit 16% y/y.

The central bank expects annual inflation to drop into single-digits during Q3 this year, but independent analysts see double-digit inflation rates at least until the end of 2023.

According to the survey, one-third of employees would need a 20% to 30% raise to convince them to stay in their current jobs.

“We see in this survey a pertinent expectation from employees to get higher salaries this year, given the economic climate and also a similar intention from companies,” said Undelucram.ro founder and CEO Costin Tudor.

“We also notice HR specialists’ efforts to correlate the increase in salaries with the macroeconomic situation but also with the [individual] performance. It is worth mentioning that employers are thinking of different ways to motivate their employees even if they cannot afford a salary increase,” he added.

Romania’s largest online employee platform polled a sample of 3,834 employees and 446 employees from all sectors at the end of 2022, including IT, retail, health services, telecommunications, energy, construction, media and finance.

