Labour demand increases further in Croatia in November

Labour demand increases further in Croatia in November
By bne IntelliNews December 6, 2021

Labour demand in Croatia in November continued recovering, exceeding its 2019 and 2020 levels, according to the Online Vacancy Index (OVI) of online job advertisements developed by the Institute of Economics, Zagreb in co-operation with the web portal MojPosao.

“This is the seventh consecutive month in which labor demand is higher than in pre-pandemic months,” the report noted.

In November, the index increased by 23% compared to the pre-crisis level.

The most sought-after occupations in November this year were sales person, warehouse worker, waiter, cook and driver.

The trend of working from home also continues with the share of advertisements mentioning this option being around 1.8% of all, mainly in the IT sector. Around 2.7% of job ads were looking for retired people.

