In the first half of 2024, more than 80% of exports by the companies in the pro-Russian separatist Transnistria region in Moldova were delivered to the European Union, compared to 70% in 2023, according to the Reintegration Office in Chisinau.
"The suspension of the activity of all custom points on the central (Transnistrian) segment of the Moldovan-Ukrainian state border as a result of the war in Ukraine induced a change in the logistics chains and a significant reorientation of commercial activities in the region towards the European Union markets. This fact also led to the strengthening of internal trade, strengthening the economic and logistical links between [Moldova proper and Transnistria]," said the bureau.
The 80% share of European Union partners in Transnistria’s exports represents a new record since the signing of the Association Agreement with Moldova in 2014.
The value of the separatist region’s foreign trade was not released in absolute terms.
The main destinations for Transnistria’s exports are Romania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Italy, Bulgaria, Germany, Slovakia, France, Latvia and Austria.
During the same period, namely the first half of 2024, the European Union was the source for 53% of Transnistria’s imports. Filtering out natural gas exports, the share may not be far from the 80% seen for exports.