Moldova’s exports and imports of goods (chart) contracted in 2023, nominally reversing part of the sharp advance marked in 2021 and 2022, while the trade deficit contracted nominally by 8.7% year on year to €4.275bn in 2023 according to the statistics bureau BNS.
The trade gap to GDP ratio eased more markedly from a record level of 34% in 2022 to 27.2% in 2023, remaining above the 25.5% level seen in 2020.
Converted into euros, Moldova’s exports decreased by 9% y/y to €3.744bn, or 23.8% of GDP (30.1% in 2022).
Exports of goods to the countries of the European Union (EU-27) held a share of 65.4% in total exports in 2023, 6.8 percentage points more than in 2022.
Exports of goods to the CIS countries held a share of 22.1% in total exports, decreasing by 2.0 percentage points compared to 2022.
Moldova's imports decreased by 8.7% y/y to €8.018bn, or 51.0% of GDP (64.1% in 2022).