Shelly debuts on Bulgarian Stock Exchange's EuroBridge dual listing segment

Shelly debuts on Bulgarian Stock Exchange's EuroBridge dual listing segment
IoT products maker Shelly Group was the first company to trade on the newly launched EuroBridge segment of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange. / BSE
By bne IntelliNews July 18, 2024

Bulgarian Internet of Things (IoT) products maker Shelly Group made a debut on EuroBridge, the new dual listing segment of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE), becoming the first company trading there, the BSE said in a statement on July 18.

EuroBridge was created by the BSE in cooperation with German peer Deutsche Boerse. It offers a dual-listing option to companies, providing them with access to capital on both exchanges.

Shelly Group, which is moving to EuroBridge from the BSE Premium segment, is now also trading on the Xetra electronic trading platform.

“This is the final step of a long journey. We are glad that we went through it together because this is an important moment not only for the EuroBridge segment, for the BSE and the Central Depository but also for the entire capital market as you are the first Bulgarian company that is already traded in euro even before our country has become part of the Eurozone,” BSE’s board deputy head said as quoted in the BSE statement.

Shelly Group, previously called Allterco, has been trading on the regulated market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since November 2021.

