Terrorist bases in Pakistan destroyed with missiles and drones, claims Iran

Terrorist bases in Pakistan destroyed with missiles and drones, claims Iran
Earlier on January 15, the IRGC hit an alleged Mossad base in Iraqi Kurdistan in addition to ISIS sites in Syria. / CC: bne IntelliNews
By bne IntelIiNews January 16, 2024

Two bases belonging to the terrorist group Jaish ul-Adl in Pakistan's Baluchistan Province were targeted by missiles and drones and destroyed, Tasnim news agency, affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) reported on January 16. 

Pakistan condemned the attack, calling it an "unjustified" violation of its airspace and attack on its territory. 

"This violation of Pakistan's sovereignty is completely unacceptable and can have serious consequences," the Pakistani foreign ministry said in a statement.

The ministry also summoned Iran's chargé d'affaires to convey Islamabad's strong condemnation though Iran has yet to officially claim responsibility for the attacks. Pakistan also expressed regret that the "illegal action" has taken place despite the existence of several channels of communication between the two neighbours. 

"Pakistan has always called terrorism a common threat to all countries in the region, which requires coordinated action," the statement said, adding such unilateral actions are not compatible with good neighbourliness and can seriously weaken mutual trust and confidence.

The Jaish ul-Adl bases were reportedly situated in a region known as the 'Green Mountain', identified as one of the most prominent strongholds of the separatist group. 

Jaish ul-Adl, established in 2012 as a Sunni separatist militant organisation, is called a terrorist group by the Tehran Shi'ite Islamic government. The group has said that it is a separatist group fighting for the independence of Sistan and Baluchestan Province from Iran, which is culturally closer to Pakistan than Iran.

The group has orchestrated numerous attacks against Iranian military personnel. One of its most devastating assaults occurred in December 2023 when it targeted a police station in the city of Rask, Sistan-Baluchestan Province. This attack resulted in the  death of 11 Iranian security personnel, with several others sustaining injuries, marking one of the deadliest incidents in the region in recent years. Most recently, the group launched another attack on the same city on January 10, leaving one police officer dead.

The Iranian missile attack on Baluchistan follows a same-day joint naval exercise of Iran and Pakistan in the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf with the participation of missile launchers and warships of the navies of the two countries, Fars News Agency reported late on January 16.

Earlier on January 16, the IRGC hit an alleged Mossad base in Iraqi Kurdistan in addition to ISIS sites in Syria.

