Top Bulgarian politician loses power plant and palaces in battle with rival

Top Bulgarian politician loses power plant and palaces in battle with rival
DPS chairman of honour Ahmed Dogan (second from right) expelled his former right hand man Delyan Peevski from the party. / DPS
By Denitsa Koseva in Sofia August 30, 2024

Ahmed Dogan, the chairman of honour of Bulgaria’s Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS), has lost control of key assets, including the coal-fired Varna thermal power plant and several companies, as well as the luxury residences he lives in.

The change of ownership was first revealed by news outlet and is seen as part of the ongoing power struggle between Dogan and his former right hand man, the Magnitsky-sanctioned Delyan Peevski.

The two politicians, seen for years as symbols of corruption and murky political deals, are believed to be the most powerful figures in the country, mostly wielding their influence behind the scenes as they have never participated officially in any government. 

Peevski has been accused for years of controlling the judiciary and using it against his opponents, while Dogan has become notorious for his statements that he controls and distributes “all portions” in the country. Dogan has also openly admitted that the DPS has a circle of companies financing it in exchange for political favours.

Until August 29, it was unclear whether it was Dogan – believed to be a good strategist – who had initiated the formal change of ownership to preserve his assets from Peevski, or if Peevski had caused him to lose control of his assets.

Earlier in August, Danail Papazov, until then Dogan’s business partner, took over the companies controlling Varna TPP and owning Dogan’s two residences – in the luxury Sofia district of Boyana and near the Black Sea port of Rosenets.

On August 29, Papazov sent an open letter to Bulgarian media, urging Dogan to leave the residences as he no longer has the right to use them.

“Ahmed Dogan is not an owner or representative of these companies, [he] has nothing to do with their properties [in Boyana and Rosenets], nor has he any contract related to the use of these properties. For that reason, Ahmed Dogan is residing in them without any grounds and should leave them immediately,” Papazov wrote in the letter republished without changes by Mediapool news outlet.

Dogan’s allies confirmed that Papazov’s people have entered the property in Boyana, forcing Dogan’s personnel to leave.

Two days earlier, Dogan expelled Peevski and his allies from the DPS in a move that has the potential to seriously reshuffle the political scene in the country ahead of the October 27 snap general election.

Late on August 28, Dogan’s press centre distributed a video statement by Dogan on this decision, which Peevski claims was illegal and is expected to challenge in court.

“The boy [Peevski] has already gone too far. There is no turning back for him. As well as for us, there is no going back,” Dogan said in the video.

Dogan was seen as Peevski’s mentor and the two were inseparable until this summer.

“It was high time for this to happen … This decision was expected by Bulgaria. I even people say that the question is not to save the DPS, but the question is to save Bulgaria. This is being talked about realistically,” Dogan also says.

He also claims that Peevski and his allies have not read the party’s rules carefully, and that the decision to expel Peevski was just.

Meanwhile, Valentin Tonchev from Dogan’s camp said the chairman of honour is returning actively to politics and will likely run for parliament on October 27.

At the same time, Peevski is expected to either take the fight for the DPS to court, or set up a new party, named The New Beginning. It is still unclear what his chances of success would be. Peevski’s rating was 6% shortly after the start of his open war with Dogan. However, although unpopular, he has a significant financial resources.

