Trump wearing Made in Turkey caps while hyping Made in USA products

Trump wearing Made in Turkey caps while hyping Made in USA products
Make Golbasi Organised Industrial Zone great again. / 9 Eylul
By Akin Nazli in Belgrade September 24, 2024

Zirve Sapka Promosyon has produced a total of 0.1mn units of MAGA ("Make America Great Again") baseball caps for US presidential candidate Donald Trump at its production plant in the Golbasi Organised Industrial Zone in Turkey’s southeastern Adiyaman province, local daily 9 Eylul has reported.

Trump makes a big deal of his opposition to US companies transferring production to plants abroad as he gives the big sell to "Made in USA" products.

The baseball caps were exported from Turkey at $2.5 per unit. They are currently on sale at $50 per unit in the US, the Turkish daily also reported.

The hats carry a "Made in Türkiye" label. The hat maker’s 600 employees spent one week producing them.

The agency that conducts Trump’s presidental campaign ordered the headwear, according to Mehmet Yuceturk, head of business association Promoturk.

“The hats, which Trump distributes to his supporters and wears on his own head, have a ‘Made in Türkiye’ signature,” he said.

The caps travelled 10,700 kilometres (6,649 miles) from Adiyaman to the US.

Among other hat orders previously fulfilled by Zirve Sapka are orders placed bythe Ukrainian army.

Trump hats in production. Photo credits: IHA.

