
Global access to energy starts to fall for the first time in a decade, says IEA

bne IntelliNews July 1, 2024

Population growth means that for the first time in a decade access to global energy has begun to fall despite the massive investment going into clean energy to fight the climate crisis, the International Energy Agency said in a new report.

Over a billion people's food supplies threatened by the accelerating climate crisis by 2050

Ben Aris in Berlin June 26, 2024

Extreme heat this summer has already killed 1,300 Muslims on the annual hajj to Mecca, but climate change threatens the lives of far more people if crops start failing due to rising heat and water stress, recent research has shown.

Fossil fuel use reaches global high

by Roberta Harrington in Los Angeles June 25, 2024

A new report finds that fossil fuel energy use rose to a record high in 2023, despite efforts to combat climate change.

Russia-Pakistan relations see limited progress despite Moscow's pivot to Global South

Ananta Shesha June 25, 2024

On the occasion of Russia Day on June 12, 2024, Moscow’s Ambassador to Pakistan Albert Pavlovich Khorev announced that the bilateral trade turnover between Moscow and Islamabad surpassed $1bn in 2023.

Russia overtakes Japan to become the fourth largest economy in the world in PPP terms

Ben Aris in Berlin June 4, 2024

The Russian economy has overtaken Japan to become the fourth largest in the world in PPP terms (purchase power parity), according to revised data from the World Bank released at the start of June.

LONG READ: Russia’s despair index result is the best ever, while Ukraine’s crashes

Ben Aris in Berlin June 3, 2024

The despair index adds unemployment, inflation and poverty to compare what life is like in the bottom third of emerging societies. Currently Russia is enjoying one of its lowest levels of despair, whereas Ukraine is suffering one of its worst.

MACRO ADVISORY: Moscow is playing a long gas game

Chris Weafer CEO of Macro-Advisory May 30, 2024

The Kremlin has now switched its attention to the gas market. It wants to replace the almost lost European market with new customers in Asia and to diversify the export infrastructure with both new pipeline routes and LNG.

India exports elections expertise

bne IntelliNews May 27, 2024

India doesn’t produce much that other countries want to buy, but as the largest democracy in the world, one of its best exports is its elections expertise.

Russian pivot to the Global South includes unscrupulous army recruiting practices

Aditya Pareek May 27, 2024

After launching its February 2022 invasion of Ukraine and being sanctioned by the West, Russia has doubled down on its overtures to countries of the Global South.

New plan for getting Turkmen gas to Europe – pipe it to Pakistan and ship it as LNG

Will Conroy May 23, 2024

Pakistani petroleum minister outlines proposal at energy symposium. Says TAPI pipeline could be completed solely with Islamabad and Ashgabat funding.

“Silent demise” of world’s vast rangelands threatens food supply of billions, warns UNCCD report

bne IntelliNews May 21, 2024

Sixty-plus experts examine degradation caused by land overuse and misuse, climate change and biodiversity loss.

1,200 Pakistani students at Kyrgyzstan International University leave country after mob violence shock

bne IntelliNews May 20, 2024

Investigation into mass disorder and incitement of ethnic and racial hatred launched. But officials under fire for pointing finger at "illegal migrants".

Pakistan repatriates 180 citizens after mob violence in Bishkek leaves 29 injured

bne IntelliNews May 19, 2024

Kyrgyz government issues apology following claims authorities were slow to respond to situation and protect international students.

BRICS currency is coming soon, Iranian ambassador

bne Tehran bureau May 19, 2024

Iran is actively participating in initiatives under Russia's leadership in BRICS, with the two countries working towards creating a single currency for the bloc, Iranian Ambassador to Russia Kazem Jalali said to local media.

US raises "sanctions risk" concern post India-Iran port contract

bne Tehran bureau May 13, 2024

The United States has warned of sanctions towards India following its signing an agreement with Iran to operate Chabahar port after several years of delay.

New India-Europe transit corridor set to challenge IMEC, Suez routes

bne IntelliNews May 8, 2024

The battle of the corridors is heating up as India promotes a new India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) route that will connect the subcontinent with Europe by traversing the Middle East over land then sea to the EU via Haifa in Israel.

The 'wet-bulb' set to kill hundreds of thousands of people if temperatures and humidity levels continue to rise

Ben Aris in Berlin April 22, 2024

Temperatures are continuing to rise to new all-time highs as global warming accelerates. People have started to die because of the extreme heat and it’s only a matter of time before the “wet-bulb” effect kills large numbers of people.

Leading emerging markets move rapidly up World Bank’s PPP GDP and FDI confidence rankings

Ben Aris in Berlin April 9, 2024

The world’s leading Emerging Markets are moving rapidly up the World Bank’s latest GDP rankings in PPP (purchase power parity) terms as well as the annual foreign direct investment confidence ranking.

Disaster season: heat waves sweep the world – in charts and maps

Ben Aris in Berlin April 8, 2024

In the last week temperatures have soared, breaking monthly records in nearly half the countries on the planet. In much of Europe temperatures have reached those of mid-summer in the first week of April.
