
Russia overtakes Japan to become the fourth largest economy in the world in PPP terms

Ben Aris in Berlin June 4, 2024

The Russian economy has overtaken Japan to become the fourth largest in the world in PPP terms (purchase power parity), according to revised data from the World Bank released at the start of June.

Leading emerging markets move rapidly up World Bank’s PPP GDP and FDI confidence rankings

Ben Aris in Berlin April 9, 2024

The world’s leading Emerging Markets are moving rapidly up the World Bank’s latest GDP rankings in PPP (purchase power parity) terms as well as the annual foreign direct investment confidence ranking.

India to headline the rapid catch up of global emerging markets by 2050 – Capital Economics

Ben Aris in Berlin March 18, 2024

Emerging markets will overtake the Western world in terms of the collective nominal size of their economies by 2050, with China and India as the second and third largest behind the US, according to Capital Economics’ long-term forecasts.

Russia's struggling shipbuilding industry seeks Chinese partnership

Mark Buckton November 3, 2023

The struggles of Russia's shipbuilding industry have been no secret as it grapples with a series of challenges, including the impact of sanctions cutting off foreign components and expertise, workforce limitations and delays in project deliveries

Iran backs Japan’s call for Kuril Islands talks with Russia amid Moscow ‘betrayal’ in Gulf territorial dispute

bne IntelIiNews July 23, 2023

Tensions might suggest Tehran is wary of sticking with the level of political, economic and defence backing it has given the Kremlin since the outbreak of the Ukraine war.
