Kosovo will increase the share of electricity derived from renewable resources to 35% by 2031, from 6.3% currently, under its 2022-2031 energy strategy unveiled on March 24.
Overall, power-generating facilities with a combined installed capacity of 1.6 GW will be developed. The wind and solar capacities will contribute 600MW each. At least 100MW installed capacity will come from prosumers (consumers, mostly residential, with PV panels installed on their roofs).
To accommodate these intermittent power generation facilities, storage capacities with a transfer capacity of 170MW and a total storage capacity of 340MWh will be developed. Plans for a 250MW reversible hydropower plant were abandoned.
Regarding the thermal power plants (currently coal-fired), they will be modernised. Under the modernisation programme, three units will be refurbished by 2024, 2025 and 2026 respectively. The goal is to provide 560MW of base electricity and 360MW of strategic spare capacity.
In 2024 and 2025, Kosovo will develop two gas-fired power plants in Albania, in partnership with Albania.
Obsolete coal-fired power plants in Kosovo (at Obilic) are currently responsible for almost all domestic electricity production, and on the other hand, Albania has only hydropower plants, which can provide rapid response capacities and system reserves.
But Kosovo suffers from huge costs of electricity imported when the two plants break down (which is quite often) or the demand grows. Albania, on the other hand, has to buy electricity abroad during drought periods.