The government's revised energy sector strategy for the period 2011-2035 envisages electricity output rise from 54.7TWh in 2010 to 71TWh in 2020 and 88.5TWh in 2035, Wall-Street reported. The key investment objectives, namely the two supplementary nuclear reactors at the Cernavoda nuke plant and the Tarnita-Lapusesti hydropower plant are scheduled for commissioning in 2020. The new nuclear facilities would thus replace the outdated fossil fuel-fired capacities, slated for closure by then. The wind power generation facilities, whose aggregate installed capacity stood at 4,000MW in 2020, would also compensate for the decline in traditional power generation capacity. The 4,715MW in installed capacity of new renewable energy sources (wind, solar and biomass) would account for 16.3% of the electricity generated in 2020 and 16.8% in 2035. This share would raise to 43% in 2020 and slightly fall to 41% in 2035, if the hydropower output is added to the total green energy production. The share of fossil fuel-fired power plants would diminish from some 50% at the moment to 27.5% in 2020 and 16.5% in 2035. |
Romania's government has earmarked RON 163mn (EUR 37mn) worth of subsidies for 2013 under a programme aimed at closing down the loss-making mines of local company CNH located in the southwestern ... more
Romanian state-controlled hydropower company Hidroelectrica sold on Thursday, March 21, in several separate contracts a total of 0.3TWh of baseload electricity deliverable between April 1 and the ... more
The Romanian government will publish the privatisation call for freight railway company CFR Marfa immediately after the consultants complete their work, probably on April 6-8, Romanian transport ... more